The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) recently adopted new rules designed to ease the transition from the Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) to the OLCC regulated recreational marijuana industry. The rules address concerns about a shortage of OLCC licensed retail outlets, which impacts the viability of licensed growers and processors, as well as concerns about a shortage of supply as those growers and processors get up and running.
The rules (OAR 845-025-2910 and -3310) allow OMMP dispensaries and processors to transfer OMMP inventory acquired before October 1, 2016, to OLCC licensed retail and processing operations. Transferred inventory will enter the seed-to-sale tracking system and must be sold by March 1, 2017.
To facilitate these transfer requests, the OLCC released the following supplemental licensing forms:
- Retailer Inventory Transfer Request, for applicants transferring inventory from a registered medical marijuana dispensary to a Recreational Marijuana Retailer License.
- PRD (Person Responsible for a Marijuana Dispensary) Information Disclosure, to be submitted along with a Retailer Inventory Transfer Request for additional PRDs (beyond the primary PRD).
- Processor Inventory Transfer Request, for applicants transferring inventory from a registered medical marijuana processing site to a Recreational Marijuana Processor License.
- PRP (Person Responsible for a Marijuana Processing Site) Information Disclosure, to be submitted along with a Processor Inventory Transfer Request for additional PRPs (beyond the primary PRP).
- Sale of Marijuana for Medical Purposes, for recreational Wholesalers, Processors, and Retailers that wish to sell medical grade products. Medical grade products may exceed the concentration limits established for recreational products and have a different tax status.
OMMP dispensaries and processors making the leap should also refer to the OLCC’s Product Categorization Guide, which can help OLCC licensees properly categorize transferred inventory.